
品牌故事: 1962年來自南投的一位老茶農,初中畢業就開始負擔家計,從種稻米.鳳梨.山藥到茶葉付出50年的歲月,為了發揚台灣茶成為精緻農業而默默付出,隨著時代進步,當大多數茶農選擇機械採收來提高產量及收入時,老茶農堅持惟有用手工採收來生產,品質才會好,也就是因為多了一份執著,讓他的茶喝起來特別的甘甜,2007年他建立茶苗圃,將自己親手培育之茶苗銷售給各地茶農,讓這些優良品種得以生生不息,2012年成立寶澤國際欲將50年來製茶經驗傳承下去






特色-武夷與烏龍結合之品種, 香氣清逸、滋味醇厚不僅有綠茶香氣,又有烏龍茶韻味

Brand story:

An old tea farmer from Nantou, who had beard the financial responsibility of whole family in 1962 while he had just graduated from junior high, had devoted 50 years of agriculture in rice, pineapple, mountain potato, and tea farming.  He had just dedicated all the efforts, for enhancing and glorifying the delicate farming of Taiwanese tea.  To increase the production, most tea farmers have used machine to grow and harvest the tea leaves, to enhance the production and profit.  But he insists the tea would be fine quality only with manual harvesting.  With his insist, the tea has its own special extra bittersweet after-taste.  In 2007, he had built a tea farm, and generously shared the seedlings that had grown by his own hands, with other tea farmers; and allow more people to experience the outstanding quality.  In 2012, Baoze International Co., Ltd was finally founded, for continuing the 50 years extraordinary tea-making experiences.


1962 - Stared tea farming career for 50 years until today

1984 - Founded Min-pin tea factory focusing on tea


1984 - Joined the local faming association competition, to won the incalculable prizes

2007 - Established the tea seedlings farm and sell to the tea

farmers all over the country

2012 - Founded Baoze International Co., Ltd. to promote

the delicate tea culture

2012 – Won the First class prize in Spring tea competition

Speciality-Breed from both wu-yi tea and woo-long tea.  Full of delicate fragrance, and the rich taste which combines the aroma of both green tea and woo-long tea

Way to harvest – Manual

 Fermented – Light

 Soup color – Honey yellow

